Engineering Mechanics

Engineering Mechanics is one of the fundamental subject for Engineering Students. Basically, this is used to analyze and to calculate the possible acceleration and deformation (both elastic and plastic analysis) of objects under known forces or stresses. Engineering Mechanics is subdivided into :

  • STATICS, the study of non-moving objects under known loads.
  • DYNAMICS, or kinetics, the study on how forces affects the moving bodies, this includes machine vibration.
  • DEFORMATION MECHANICS, the study of deformation of materials especially in elastic range.
  • FLUID MECHANICS, the study on how fluids react to acting forces, this is further split into fluid statics and fluid dynamics. Hydraulics is the application of this fluid Mechanics
  • CONTINUUM MECHANICS , the a way applying the mechanics that assumes that all objects are constant or continuous. 
Engineering Mechanics or applied mechanics has the advance participation in major inventions such as Building, machinery, automobiles, nuclear reactor, railway, Bridge, Engines, petroleum refineries, composite materials, computers  and medical implants or other medical application. This discipline is commonly practice with all engineering field such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, construction engineering material science and engineering, aerospace engineering, electrical engineering, nuclear engineering, structural engineering, bioengineering and other related field.

There are available engineering mechanics books online, for your further reference both statics and dynamics mechanics.

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